This year, the Northern Sea Route continues to develop. Based on the results of eight months, more than 23 mln tons of cargo have already been transported. The increase compared to last year is about 1,5%. However, it is important that this year transit returned to the NSR, which disappeared last year due to the sanctions. This became known during the session World Transport Northern Route held at the Eastern Economic Forum.

“In just a few weeks of summer-autumn navigation, more than 1 mln tons of transit cargo have already been transported across the Arctic Ocean. The NSR received cargo from the Baltic in the direction of Asia. There is a high probability that transit volumes along the NSR will reach historical highs this year”, noted Vladimir Panov, ROSATOM Special Representative for the Arctic Development during the session.

There is a large niche of goods on the NSR that today go to Russia and Europe by road and rail. Of the 22 categories of goods, 15 can be transported year-round, including cars, machinery, consumer goods, furniture, and electronics. Temperature restrictions include such narrow categories as medicines, cosmetics, oils and additives for engines, and some food products.

“In the course of this navigation, we are transporting Russian products from the North-West ports along the NSR – they are oil and gas. However, containerized cargo will be sent in the near future. Active work is underway to create an international container line along the NSR. Now there is substantive work on the nomenclature of cargo possible for transportation, in terms of storage temperature and temperature minimums in the Arctic”, added Vladimir Panov.

For reference:

Comprehensive development of the Russian Arctic zone is one of the strategic national priorities. Increasing the volume of transportation along the Northern Sea Route is of paramount importance to meet the set objectives in the field of cargo transportation and delivery. The development of this logistics corridor is ensured through the establishment of regular cargo shipments, construction of new nuclear icebreakers and modernization of the relevant infrastructure.

Since 2018, ROSATOM has been the infrastructure operator of the Northern Sea Route (NSR), and it is responsible for organizing navigation along the NSR, construction of infrastructure facilities, navigation and hydrographic support, as well as the system to ensure maritime safety in harsh Arctic conditions. The Corporation is the curator of two federal projects Development of the Northern Sea Route and Northern Sea Route – 2030; it participates in the implementation of the development plan for the Northern Sea Route until 2035, as well as the initiative for the socio-economic development of the Russian Federation until 2030 – Year-Round Northern Sea Route, approved by order of the Government of the Russian Federation. The NSR Directorate of ROSATOM includes FSUE Atomflot, FSUE Hydrographic Enterprise and FSBI GlavSevmorput.