November 23, 2022 — Moscow. LOGOS — the flagship digital product for mathematical modelling and engineering analysis developed by ROSATOM — is rolling out on the international market in 2023. LOGOS developers are confident their product has significant competitive differentiators and believe it could become a leading global industrial CAE product.

LOGOS International was announced during ATOMEXPO 2022, one of the biggest events in the nuclear industry. It ended yesterday in Sochi.

Dmitry Fomichev — Director for Mathematical Modelling of ROSATOM's Cifrum and an unpaid advisor to the Russian Minister of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media — presented LOGOS International at ATOMEXPO 2022. Mr Fomichev believes that leading IT know-how and physics and mathematics foundation of fundamental science of the Russian nuclear industry give LOGOS a good change on the international market. He noted that LOGOS had been developed in compliance with strict requirements of the Russian nuclear industry to the quality and safety of software.

LOGOS is a digital product for engineering analysis and mathematical modelling. It is a computer-aided engineering (CAE) industrial software. LOGOS was developed based on projects that had been developed by ROSATOM (RFNC-VNIIEF) for years.

LOGOS International includes basic modules with the functionality that is in demand on the global market. Feedback will be collected from foreign users for further development of LOGOS International.

Five LOGOS modules will be available to the foreign audience: LOGOS Aero-Hydro for process simulation in air and water; Logos Thermal for assessing thermal properties and behavior of parts / assemblies; LOGOS Robustness for static and dynamic robustness tasks, LOGOS Hydrogeology for solving water balance tasks and environmental process simulation in complex geologic environments; LOGOS Platform for integrating LOGOS modules and CAE software from various Russian developers into a single platform.

Using LOGOS, foreign customers will be able to increase the productivity of design solution justification and safe operation of structures and equipment. LOGOS helps reduce the time and money it takes to justify solutions. Doing away with uninformative experiments will shorten mockup experimental testing. Experiment quality during full-scale certification tests will increase. Commercial use and mass production will come with condition forecasting and operation mode analysis of structures and equipment.

LOGOS can adapt to the applied nature of tasks of various industries; this will make it popular with foreign customers. This feature is thanks to how LOGOS was used at various ROSATOM enterprises — including those in mechanical engineering, mining, energy, construction, and other industries.

LOGOS can help foreign “nuclear” customers with their tasks. This market niche is in demand, since the nuclear industry is in the spotlight worldwide now. LOGOS is being introduced to the international market as an integral component of Industry 4.0. It can generate demand in various high-tech industries — including aerospace, shipbuilding, car, engine, and aerospace industries.

“In five years, LOGOS has become a mature digital product that proved it has significant competitive differentiators akin to those of its global analogues. LOGOS team now has a lot of expertise and experience using it in various industries. ROSATOM has a good reputation in the global nuclear industry; we expect that its digital products will serve to boost that reputation and show off ROSATOM's digital muscle. We understand that competing with international IT companies specializing in mathematical modelling will not be easy. But we are optimistic because of our experience and the quality of our products” Chief Digital Officer of ROSATOM Ekaterina Solntseva said during the LOGOS International announcement.